Wednesday, June 07, 2006

GO! eeerrrrlllltttt (sound of squeeling tires!)

Matthew's devotional passage. Wow, this preach. Check out what Jesus says here:

"Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

The big word is GO! Henry Blackaby said "you cannot stay where you are and go with God at the same time!" How true. Jesus says, get out there. Take the show on the road. Not, if you build it, they will come! So how are we going to go?

Well, maybe one answer is by seeing ourselves as SENT! Tonight in our small group, we're beginning a study of 1 Peter. Check out the very first verse: an apostle of Jesus Christ... An apostle is someone who is sent. Peter realized he was sent by Jesus to get out in the world and salt it with the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. And he DID!!! And it made a HUGE difference!

So, are you an apostle, and to whom are you being sent?

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