Monday, June 05, 2006


Yesterday, the people called Cornerstone studied just one verse, Matthew 5:13, in which Jesus said that we are the salt of the earth. We sorta singled out our graduates and challenged them to go be salty in the world. They have spent these years filling their shakers, and now it is time to go out and make the world a "tastier" place with Jesus amazing love, grace, and plan for the salvation of the world. What a blast it was. If you missed it, you can get the notes and hear the mp3 here.

Today's devotions are taken from Colossians 4:2-6. I guess what hits me the most about these verses of salt is the fact that we're encouraged to pray for one another as we share Jesus with the world. When is the last time you prayed for me to preach effectively to the lost? OK, I'll step on my own toes...when is the last time I prayed for you in the sharing of His message in your own corner of the world?

Sorry for dropping the ball. Today, I'm praying that you can be salt in a clear and effective way...a way that leads people to the Lord! I'm praying for you to be a fully devoted follower of Christ today! And I'm praying for the people with whom you'll rub shoulders. I'm praying that they will be open to be sprinkled with Jesus' amazing love today!

What about you? What hits you the most about today's devotions?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will comment!! I finally got the message about what is means to let God "Shine" through you and not just speak His words!

Thanks for the brick upside the head!
