Friday, September 08, 2006

I'm going up to the mountain to pray...

OK, maybe not literally. But today is another day that I have set aside for prayer and vision. I am getting out of the office and heading to one our beautiful local parks to spend some time with the Lord. I need to hear Him and to walk with Him for a while. Sometimes I get so busy in the urgent stuff that I don't make time for the really important stuff. Cornerstone is a church with a developing vision. We are getting a handle on exactly where God is calling us and how we're supposed to get there. If that is to happen, then I must make sure it is a priority in my leadership. My rules are: no palm pilot (too distracting!) - no cell phone - just a legal pad, a pen, and a Bible. As I sense and hear the Lord speaking, I simply enter into written conversation. Thank you Lord for a beautiful day...for a beautiful creation...and for being One who seeks to speak and to be heard.

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