Thursday, May 15, 2008

I'm wiped out...

So I have this cold, right? I love getting sick because you are instantly bombarded with a zillion people who know "just the thing..." The other day, I'm having conversation with a woman I BARELY even know.

Woman: "So you have a cold?"

Innocent Victim (me): "Well, ya."

Woman: "I know just the thing. Vitamin C. Take 1,000 mg (which, parenthetically, why don't we just call it a gram? I mean, isn't a 1,000 milli somethings equal to one of the basic units of somethings? I mean, I don't know much but as a fellow student once told me, Brettric is Metric - parenthesis MINE!) of Vitamin C. Take 1,000 mg every hour."

Then, and I swear I am not making this up, she looks me straight in the eye and she says emphatically "the key is DIARRHEA!" OK, now she really has my interest. And she must have known it because she continued.

Woman: "As soon as you get diarrhea, you'll know you have reached your body's tolerance level for Vitamin C. Then just back off 1,000 mg and take that threshold amount and you'll get over your cold."

Me: "Thanks, I think."

Now I guess I have two options, both of which involve wiping. I think I'll just live with the cold for another day or so...


Barb said...

I love diarrhea!!!

(oddly true)

Renaye said...

Where do you meet these people?

Now, I'm need to drink Minute Maid Multi-vitamin because it has Vitamin C (normal amount) and ZINC. Drink the whole thing today, and you'll feel better tomorrow, without diarrhea.

Brett Probert said...

Barb: You go girl! (get it?)

Renaye: At Methodist functions. And thanks for the advice. Just what I need, more advice.

Keith H. McIlwain said...

You have the most appalling blog posts.

~katie said...

wow... lucky you. sorry I haven't talked to you in a while... expect an email from me in a couple hours though... life's not being fair!

Greg Cox said...

I really don't know what to say!

Jeff Kahl said...

You should write a sit-com based on all your interactions with people. It could be a sequel to Seinfeld!

Anonymous said...

Are you sure Brett? I'll be glad to bring the toliet paper to Church on Sunday.

Debbie M.

Anonymous said...

how do your posts always end up about the runs?

Andrew said...

Too funny!! Too true!! Advice abounds...I ought to share with you all the juicy nuggets of church planting advice I've been given, but you'd have to wipe afterwards :)

Beetlegirlvw said...

THIS Is hilarious! I'll be sure to keep this in mind. I'm a Vitamin C advocate but never induced diarrhea. Jack is going to love this one.