Tuesday, October 07, 2008

I gotsta do stuff with my hands...

You know, I'm increasingly realizing how important it is for me to be able to work with my hands. I'm not very much of a thinker unless I'm doing something at the same time. Yesterday, I was just beat tired. I went home early and did some reading, took a little nap, and continued looking at our candidates for the Director of Operations. But it wasn't long before I was climbing the walls. I went out and changed the oil in both cars, mowed the lawn, redd up the garage (ode to Pittsburgh), and tore the bathroom sink drain apart and cleaned it so that it would drain properly. Then, and only then, did I feel refreshed. Then did I feel like I was able to think straight again. I guess I'm a just a hopeless kinesthetic!!!!


Greg Cox said...

Maybe it's more hopeless that I had to look up what that word meant!~

Jeff Kahl said...

Hey, Jesus was a carpenter...Paul was a tent maker. Maybe there's something biblical in what you're experiencing. Sometimes we get too wrapped up in our deep thoughts, and we should just work with our hands to keep us humble and grounded in reality!

Barb said...

What word??

Barb said...

Oh that word...I wasnt going to ask!

Bronson said...

With the Davidson baby, you will have plenty to keep your hands busy!!!

Brett Probert said...

...and I can't wait! Where's that chrome polish?