Monday, November 17, 2008

Facebook Killed the Blogging Star

I have been thinking about a post by this title for some time now. The truth of the matter is, I have been thinking about it ever since Chris Kindle told me he was going to blog about this and I stole his idea! I have been on facebook for sometime now and I must admit that my blogging contributions have waned considerably since that time. There are so few precious moments available each day to mindless and pointless internet interaction, and facebook just seems to be even more mindless and pointless than blogging! So, I spend most of my creative energies there. Don't fret if you're not a facebooker, however. You know how us guys are...we get bored of things very quickly. And it just may be that when I tire of facebook, I'll be back here more frequently!


Chris said...

I've been waiting to see how long it would take you to crack and steal my idea. 57 days.

Greg Cox said...

A lot longer than it took him to crack and leave breakfast this morning.

Unknown said...


you still are loved brother. Chris, great comment 57 days ago.

Barb said...

I have something to say, and I would appreciate the same attention that I have afforded to you and your people over the years. (okay, months)
Yesterday Greg told me the same thing about Blog vs Face Book, so I moved my energy to the Face Book side of the "mindless and pointless internet interaction"

since women dont "bore of things very quickly", I shifted my attention to something temporary, and almost transient in nature...but for the sake of Greg, and his brilliant ideas, I too refocused my notsopointlessinternet interaction to Facebook, find me there!!

Brett Probert said...

ya Barb, but I can't check you out on facebook until YOU ADD ME AS YOUR FRIEND ALREADY!!!!!!!!!