"After Me"
So I'm driving back from the gym this morning and I come to this four way stop sign. Some dude in a luxury car seems to think that he got there first even though I was the clear winner in the race. As I pulled out in front of him, I said loudly "after me, bub."
And then it happened...you know, conviction? God says "Brett, since when is it about you?" I find myself using and I and me statements a lot, and yet God said that the greatest of all shall be the servant. I should have let the guy go, my turn or not. I should be placing the needs of others above my own, but I don't always. Lord, thank you for your forgiveness and thanks for your conviction. May I use it for your glory!!!
You are a blogging machine. I agree you shouldn't have made the statement "after me bub", but you definately should not have let him go if you were there first.
Matthew 7:18 A good tree is not able to yield evil fruits, nor a bad tree to yield good fruits. (YLT)
So, I think you are a good tree, thereby unable to yield to the bad fruit in the luxury car.
I can't find "road rage" anywhere in the Bible. I think you're o.k. You can try to stop making "I" and "me" statements, just don't start talking in 3rd person, like "After Bret Bub".
Dude...Brett thinks you're so right!
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