So yesterday I got to preach for the first time since I stepped away from Cornerstone. My friend Jeff St. Clair asked me to fill in at their "contemporary" service and I did so. I had a great time...I felt very free to share what the Lord placed on my heart and had an absolute blast doing it!
Afterward, this sweet lady started gushing about how much she enjoyed the message and how I was welcome to come preach anytime and yada, yada, yada. And then she said "do you ever let your hair grow out?" I swear, I'm not making this up! The point she was making was that I might be a better preacher if I didn't shave my head...
Now this strange exchange got me to thinking. I am truly blessed. I love to preach, but I realize that I love that I'm free from the crosshairs (yes, pun intended) of every pew sitter (or in some cases, chair setters) and their endless need to dictate how I should live my life, right down to my hair. I realize just how free I feel and how blessed I am to be at this stage of my life as I stare down the corridor of middle age. (Notice I didn't indicate that I'm there yet!) Jesus said when He sets us free, we'll be free indeed. I feel that my life is such a living testimony to that.
I have a wonderful best friend and such a Godly influence on my life. I am loving the ministry that God has opened for me at The Pittsburgh Project. I have not looked back one day since I started there! We have a gorgeous, just-our-size dream home with wonderful neighbors in a great neighborhood in the coolest city in the world. We have some great friends, some great ways to pass the time, and a sense of calling that we are living out. In brief, I'm feeling very blessed, even if I am bald...maybe especially because I am! Thank you Lord!
Now if we can just decide on a church to call home so I can start to criticize "my" pastor...