Thursday, April 20, 2006

I have a dream!

That dream is being lived out as I have the privilege of pastoring at Cornerstone... Here are some of the pieces to the dream:

1. Vision. I believe ours is right on: ...reaching out to accept people as they are and growing together to become all that God intends us to be--fully devoted followers of Christ. is Spirit-given, Jesus-like, and having God's heart.

2. Mission. Ours is really being lived out in two ways. One is our Stepping Stones ministry, which is an intentional discipleship process. Becoming fully devoted doesn't just happen, you know. The church must provide for that. That's why God put us here!!!! The other is our growing opportunities to be in mission and ministry in the world. From prayer groups to Bible study small groups....from after school ministry to retirement home connections...from Habitat for Humanity to "mission trips".... Cool!!!

3. Structure. When will the church universal wake up? We NEED functional structures to carry out the work of the Kingdom. And it doesn't work the way many churches try it...a main control board who acts as a report collection committee and permission giver. OUCH!!!! It needs to go the other way!!! The main group of people responsible for the oversight of ministry needs to be a group of visionary, outward focused people. They are not to receive reports and give approvals, but to set the course and give assignments! The flow of information should go from the vision team (called the Lead Team at Cornerstone) to other teams and task forces to go and live that vision out.

The structure piece is, in my opinion, where we need to be working the hardest. This is what will serve to grow the Kingdom. This is what will keep us focused on following Jesus to be in, but not of, this world. This is what will allow the Finance "Committee" of a church to see itself as providing for the financial needs to live out our calling. This is what will allow a "Board of Trustees" to see itself and providing facilities for the vision to be lived out. This is what will allow "committees" not to come to report what they've done, but will bring them to receive their assignments and to guide their next moves to BE Jesus people in the world....

What do you think? Am I off base here? I think this is becoming a reality in the people called Cornerstone, but we need to keep working toward it. Any ideas????

1 comment:

Prettybird said...

I like your idea of having meetings to "receive assignments". It sounds so adventurous...(I'm trying to be more like your comments, please) I'm sure your passion is contagious and God will honor your faithfulness! Thanks for the talk yesterday! I'll keep you posted.
