Monday, April 24, 2006

The _________________ is my strength!

What is your strength today? I'm trying to figure out where I'll get mine, because I'm tired. Let's see...I slept very well last night, but I am still not feeling too strong so I guess it isn't sleep.

I went to the gym this morning and had a good workout. But I'm still feeling weak so I guess my muscles won't be my strength today...

It's not our upcoming vacation. We're very much looking forward to it but we also know that it isn't going to significantly increase our "strength". So what shall it be.

Well, maybe HERE is the answer....

Yes, the joy of knowing God in His son Jesus Christ will be my strength! I need to spend a few moments gathering around to hear His voice and listen to His Word! It's from Him that I'll find my joy, and that joy will bring me strength!!!

What about you? Where do you need strengthened today? How do you find your joy in the Lord?

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