Saturday, May 27, 2006


Well, another Saturday, another new members class at Cornerstone. We are blessed with 13 people who will be joining here in a few weeks, most by profession of faith. This is an exciting time or growth in the Kingdom. We are trying our best to play our small part to turn this world upside down for Jesus. Our expansion plans are almost final, and we're hoping to sign the contract on Tuesday (God willing!!!) . We are evaluating our Stepping Stones Discipling Ministry and gearing up for a great fall kick off again. We have had many people involved in the classes thus far and it just keeps getting better. God seems to be blessing us with kids and young families right and left, and for that we're excited about what that means in the future of our ministry. Personally, I have the best wife in the world. I love to spend time with her and our relationship seems to keep getting better. In short, God is so good! I'm excited to share in His goodness today!

Where are you feeling particularly blessed?


Keith H. McIlwain said...

I'm blessed to have my wife and children. REALLY blessed.

Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.