Thursday, June 01, 2006

Shrewd Manager - Chapter 3

OK...not much response out there in blogland...I hope you're following along. Today is an attempt to deal with another tough verse, verse 9:

Jesus says in Luke 16:9 "I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings."

Let me copy what the NIV Study Bible says about this verse: "use worldly wealth. God's people should be alert to make use of what God has given them. to gain friends. By helping those in need, who in the future will show their gratitude when they welcome their benefactors into heaven ("eternal dwellings"). In this way worldly wealth may be wisely used to gain eternal benefit."

So the NIV Study Bible commentators are taking the approach that Jesus is advocating the wise use of worldly wealth to minister to others who will in turn make faith commitments that will have eternal rewards both for the "manager" and the benefactor.

Maybe this is true. Perhaps Jesus is suggesting that we not hoard our earthly wealth, but that we should use it to build the Kingdom. (which goes along well with verse 13) Although His choice of words here is confusing! He says we're to use the wealth to gain friends for ourselves, not for Him!

What do YOU think? How do you come to grips with the difficulties here?

In the end, we need to study the entire parable, and see it in light of the entire Word of God to completely understand it. I think it is fair to say the whole picture is summed up in what we discussed on Sunday: Let's be faithful to manage what God has given us in service to Him...


Anonymous said...

This is always a struggle for me. I have been so blessed to do well and am not sure what God is calling me to do with my earthly wealth. The Eye of a needle rings so often in my head. Since my time is more of sacrifice now than my money I feel that is what God is calling me to give. In doing this I have grown in my relationship with Him.

Brett Probert said...

Good point Wendy. The biggest thing to realize, I think, than in giving whatever God asks of us, we are blessed. That isn't the reason to be a blessing, but it is sure a fringe benefit. Thanks for being willing to sacrifice your precious time!

Anonymous said...

To me this verse suggests the theory of "paying it forward". Which is in my opinion a virtue - be considerate, help those in need, do unto others... and this will make you a better person. I also think this would be smiled upon by God, to have his people working together and helping each other. Showing compassion for my fellow man brings me closer to God.

Brett Probert said...


Good points indeed. There is certainly blessing in service. Can't wait for Starbucks!

Anonymous said...

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.

Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.