Monday, August 14, 2006


Tonight, Cornerstone embarks on our very first Vacation Bible School. We are doing Group's Fiesta, and I can't wait! We have over 30 volunteers helping this that amazing, or what? I had a Bible study and pizza party with our youth volunteers last evening to help them to get in the groove for the week. Sandy, our director, has done an absolutely amazing job of getting this together.

Here are some more pix: Our hallway:

The side of the worship center (and notice the carpet layer tools on the floor. They will finish the carpet at about 2:00 and VBS starts at 6:30!!!!)

Here is the front of the worship center: We'll have just enough time to set up the chairs, get the PowerPoint working, and Ole!


Keith H. McIlwain said...

Will Lord Licorice be making an appearance at VBS this week?

Brett Probert said...

Yes, but under an assumed identity!

Prettybird said...
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Prettybird said...


How long did you have to stand in the hallway holding your arms up in that second picture?

Hope you have a wonderfully exhausting week of VBS! You go guy!


Brett Probert said...


Only 15 seconds...that is as long as my camera timer goes!

Chris said...

Speaking of hola...greeting from Nicaragua my brother. I will be praying for your VBS and your week in general. Looking forward to sharing with you whats been happaning here in Managua, Jinotega and Masaya.

Brett Probert said...

Wow Chris...I now have an international post. I'm praying for you safe arriva to the Estados Unidos. I'm looking forward to all the details chico! Hasta la vista!

lynn said...

Greetings from across the Atlantic!

Stumbled across your blog almost by accident but I am REALLY enjoying reading it.

We held our Holiday Club (Scottish equivalent to VBS) on Aug 7th - 11th - was this the same time as yours? Hope it went well; the set-up looks great!


lynn said...
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Brett Probert said...


Welcome aboard! I'm guessing you're from Scotland. I love the name Holiday Club! Maybe we'll try that name out ourselves next year!