I NEED your feedback!!!
OK. Yesterday, I preached from Psalm 42:1-5. If you weren't present with us, you can listen from here: Cornerstone's Website. If you were here, you know that I was preaching about how thirsty we are for Living Water. We are thirsty because we're tired of the "lion" chasing after us. And we need to drink "from the well that never shall run dry."
But after worship yesterday, many of you asked "how do we "drink" on the days when we're not in worship?" Good question. I'm prepared to give the answer in a number of ways, but I need your input.
I was going to preach from 1 Peter 4:9 this week and talk about the need to be hospitable to our community...a people that cares enough to lead people to healing through a relationship with Jesus. But now I'm wondering if I should preach a follow up message to "I'm Thirsty". I'm wondering if I should preach a message on "Drinking Daily". Whaddya think? LET ME KNOW!!! HELP!!!
"Drinking Problems" might be another approach.
It would sure make for an interesting line on the marquee for Sunday.
A person has to drink daily in order to lead others to the water. I say go for a sermon about drinking daily.
Perhaps you should give up your guns...
Hi Brett,
I am hoping this finally works-- that I can comment on your blog.
I do like the idea of changing the sermon. My suggestion would be to start out teaching/helping us to take daily sips, so we don't become an empty container. I would also like to suggest a more upbeat
Thanks for being you! Sandy M
hello hello again from Bonnie Scotland - here's my tuppence worth on drinking daily (or should that be "nickel's worth"??)
You don't drink, you dry up. I find that happens real quick in my job. I have a little soak most days - lying flat out on the floor with music playing; the choice of music is SO important. I cannot recommend highly enough the prayers and songs set to music by Laura Woodley in her album "Home".
I got more of an "I'm Tired" message than "I'm Thirsty" for God's Word from your message. But true God can remove your wordly burdens as well if you give them up to Him. As far as thirsting for Him and His word-I need to pray for some rest from the craziness to find Him again. Don't make more work for yourself, I like to see you energized not exhausted.
OK, here is the verdict...I've prayed this through all week and I'm going to stay the course. This week, hospitality! Thank you all for your comments, honesty, constructive criticism, and encouragement!
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