Monday, December 11, 2006

What a Great Weekend (alt. title: God is Good!)

Wow, what an awesome weekend. First of all, Carla and I got up at 5:00 on Saturday and went to the Mall at Robinson for the JC Penney Doorbuster Sale! We had a lot of fun Christmas shopping and came home to build a roaring fire in the fireplace and continue our Christmas preparations. Have I mentioned how much I love spending time with Carla? I know she has been short-changed lately as my schedule with Cornerstone stuff has been too hectic of late. It was a great day to catch up on one of the biggest reasons I love life...Carla.

Then yesterday, our worship service was awesome. I had the amazing privilege of baptizing a man and wife and their son. How cool it was! I preached from Revelation 3:14-22 and focused on how we need to be on fire for Jesus. This is a family that truly is!!! Cornerstone Church is another reason I love life!

I ended the day with our Senior High youth at my home. What a blast...they keep me young, smiling, and grounded. I praise God for them and I am committed to praying for them in this tough world. I'm just so thankful for their faithfulness.

This week should be a good one...because God is in it. He is the greatest reason I love life!!! I just want to focus on Him more and more. I want to see Jesus revealed to me, but maybe more THROUGH me, this Christmas. How about you?


Chris said...

Brett, glad you had a good weekend. And I understand about the wife being shortchanged. I'm blessed that Jan is soooooooooooo understanding and supportive, and yes, I'm hoping that she reads this ;)

Jan said...

I did.