Update from Michigan
Well I'm here in Detroit for this conference about how to transition the church. It is OK, but not the best I've ever been to. One of the highlights for me has been the concert of Nicole Nordeman last night. What a worship experience that was! I am coming home on Saturday and I can't wait. I miss Carla, and I miss Shadrach. But as "big and wonderful" as the Northridge Church that is hosting this conference is, I really miss Cornerstone. It is a clearly where God wants me right now, and I'm privileged and honored to be there.
Good to hear that you didn't have that much fun without me. Good to have you home and I look forward to hearing about it on Monday.
I was just searching the net and came across your post about the church conference at NorthRidge. What was it about the conference was it that made it "not the best" you'd been to? Just curious ...
The content was decent, but repetitive. There was very little time for worship...as a pastor, I think this is huge in conferences aimed at pastors. We get so little opportunity to just lose ourselves in worship without having to be in our "preaching space." Also, while Brad was very insightful and is obviously being used by God in amazing ways, I was bothered by pride issues. He was the only presenter...as if to say that nobody else was capable of taking the platform. He also lectured in an generally uncreative, monotonous, didactic style. Also, at every "commercial" break, we were being encouraged to buy multiple copies of Brad's book or join "the association." It makes me wonder what the motivation truly is.
At a Willow conference I was at once, Bill Hybels said that you can count on 5% in any conference that is good...usable for you. I got my 5% at Northridge.
Thanks for your insight, Brett. My company, Echo Media, works with NorthRidge as far as marketing this conference and I am always interested in comments regarding the conference in ways that can help us do a better job for them. Do you think you would attend this conference again?
I would not. It was an OK "one-timer" event, but there would have to be significant changes in the presentation style for me to go back. I guess I'm just too ADD to sit and listen to someone drone on for hours on end. Thanks.
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