I Just Fell Down the Steps!!!
Yes, it is true. I went into our worship center to put something on my music stand (for you traditional types, read: pulpit!) but decided that I didn't need to turn on the lights! So as I tried to navigate my way around and up onto the platform (again, traditionalists read: chancel), I stumbled and fell down the steps. Fortunately, there are only three steps and with the exception of my machismo, I was uninjured. All of this could have been avoided, however, if I would have simply turned on the lights.
Now the faithful Psalmist in 119 pens "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path." How many times do I "fall down the steps" in my faith because I refuse to turn on "the light?"
Lord, forgive me. Let your word, and your Word, be a light for my path today. Oh yeah, and thanks for picking me up when I don't let you do that!
Excellent illustration!
Perhaps you should pray through James 1:5? Just looking out for you bro.
Traditionalists and Modernists agree - Idiot!
I'm guess I'm still disappointed that you don't read long posts...I know how wordy I can be. I once feel down the platform steps during worship...I feel your pain.
Have some pride man! No one would have known if you hadn't bragged (I mean blogged) about it! Come on... you were clear and free.
Just kidding, thanks for sharing your "downfalls" with us... it was a great analogy.
Jan, you're so right.
Actually, I had this friend who fell down the stairs this morning...yeah, that's it, it was my friend who fell...
I love bacon....(look again at the pic)
You're right too. I, I mean my friend, fell down the bacon...
Did you have to google search "bacon" for that picture or did you find it under modern photos of stairs
It was under a Yahoo image search for steps.
But I did bruise my bacon...that may be TMI.
Hey, it is holy week. Don't we, as pastors, have something better to do than goof around on my blog?
No...not really
I still love bacon.
I'm more of a sausage guy myself...but it doesn't make any sense to say "I fell down the sausage."
For the Love of Miss Piggy... please STOP!
First of all, great comment.
Second of all, Chris started it!
But do we really have to end it? And I think I'm going to start using the phrase, "for the love of miss piggy!"
Greg, it is actually the title to my Easter message on Sunday.
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