Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Be Bold! (?)

I find that I am not stepping out in boldness in my preaching lately. I have gotten into a rut of complacency in what and how I am sharing. I think I need a "sermon retreat"... some time away to be inspired...transformed.

Mark 9:2 - "After six days Jesus took Peter, James and John with him and led them up a high mountain, where they were all alone. There he was transfigured before them."

Cool! Jesus' ministry was bold after that experience. May mine be as well...


Randy Roda said...

Whenever I would get stuck in a rut, I would dig into the archives and find something I had preached before that I knew was really effective at the time. I would re-tool it and many times, it got me over the hump. Maybe you could try that?

Randy Roda said...

By the way, Brett...I'm back on line.

Brett Probert said...

Sweet Randy...good to have you back. I'll check out your blog.

Corben said...

Sabbath is very important!!!

I am finding that out every week.

May your eyes be opened to seeing the little opportunities that God has laid aside for you to worship, refresh, and rest.


Keith H. McIlwain said...

At first I thought you were asking us to "Be bald..."

Anonymous said...

Maybe camping is what is needed... A retreat is always good. Looking forward to hanging out at AC. Grace and Peace, John