Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A great weekend...

Well it is back to work after a holiday weekend. I had a great one! Here are the highlights:

Cookout w/ the Friday Night home group. Lots of laughs and pushing kids on the swings.

Worship w/ my favorite church family. Cornerstone . . . some of the finest people on earth.

Cooking and serving at the soup kitchen of New Hope UMC on the Northside.

Visits to the gym and kayaking w/ my best friend Carla.

Pickin' bluegrass on my Collings.

Life is good! Lord, thank you for setting me free for freedom. May I never again return to a yoke of slavery...(Galatians 5:1)


Keith H. McIlwain said...

We had a great weekend as well. Great worship, good family time. God is good.

Eric Park said...


Do I still have to call you Mephibosheth? Or have you been set free from that yoke as well?!

"Brett" is a whole lot easier to pronounce and spell.

Glad to hear that it was a blessed weekend.

Brett Probert said...

Eric...you can call me Phib for short.

Randy Roda said...

What is bluegrass? Is that music or something? Do you use a distortion pedal while playing it? I guess I'm gonna have to teach you some metal licks at AC.

Renaye said...

Listen, there will be no metal licks around my Youth Caucus. We are keeping this a quality spiritual week. Let's do what the Hammer says "Pray...Pray...You got to pray just to make it today!"

Keith H. McIlwain said...

That is so, so sad.

Brett Probert said...

Bluegrass is music Randy. Not this noise you kids listen to today.

Renaye, no danger of metal licks. I did that once on the runner of my sled and I'll never do it again.

Barb said...

It is so cool, and refreshing that you call Carla your bestfriend, each and every time you speak of her~

I thought the Eric called you "Yoke" as well.......that made me giggle

Great weekends are a blessing!

Brett Probert said...

Thanks Barb. In case you haven't noticed, I get no respect. You know, I am a man of the cloth.

Barb said...

Yeah Brett I know. And because I am Greg's sister, I'd dont either~
So on the sly I will respect you, if you do the same for me?!?!

I think you crack me up too much to DISrespect you!!


Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good weekend brother. We got the Homestead thing kicked off here and had an awesome day with the family. Look forward to catching up soon. Grace and Peace, John

Randy Roda said...

Brett and Renaye...whatever happened to "open hearts, open MINDS and open doors? There is room at ac for metal. In fact, that's really what ac needs is some head banging, fist pumping, Jesus loving heavy metal. There's still hope for both of you.

Brett Probert said...

OK Randy. I believe again.

Brenda said...

We had a great Memorial week. Corben was on vacation and we spent it camping at White Lake in Canada

Prettybird said...

How did you get yourself drawn into that picture on your profile. It looks just like you. But this one does more.


Brett Probert said...

r...is that better?