I'm a goin' to camp!
Right after worship on Sunday the 24th, I'm heading to Camp Allegheny (near Somerset) to dean the Counselor In Training camp. I'll be working with 15-17 year olds and the week is a training ground for being a counselor. It is always a BLAST! I'll be back on Saturday the 30th, and keep me in prayer as I'm away. Also, please pray for the young people I'm working with...they're the greatest!
Prayers are with you have a great time at camp.
What are we thinking, putting Brett in charge of training counselors?!? Don't teach them any of your bad habits! Actually, I've had a few Probert Trained CITs at some of my camps over the years, and they are very good kids. Hope you have a great week, Brett.
Cool Brett,
Your favorite nephew Ben will be there this week too - keep an eye on him - or should I have him keep an eye on you??? tsybn!
tsbyn...Koontzie lives forever!
Ben is in for such fun and delinquincy! I can't wait...he will never be the same...I promise!!! (think Beavus and Butthead: he-he...)
oops... I mean tsybn
This is why he is going to pretend he doesn't know you! I expect you will make the most of that situation! Could you text me once in awhile to let me know he's still alive?
Very funny, Brett! tysbn is just a pet name I'm using for Kindle. I thought about zqsqnz but didn't think that really fit. So when you think Christ...think tysbn.
haha brett they're not the greatest last years group was remember us? lol jk i know itll be a great week
I loved the blog photo! Looks like fun! Sure hope your time at camp is a good one, and you are able to come back to us with a tamed child like spirit! ha. ha. Be blessed, and we'll see you Sunday service.
Miss hearing "how sweet" and "here's the deal".
Being Joyful,
Sandy Morris
well how was the week?!?!
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