Monday, October 08, 2007

For the Birds!

On Saturday, Carla and I spent the day together...what a blast. We went to the National Aviary on the North Side of Pittsburgh. What a cool city in which to live. We had so much fun learning about different birds and observing them. God is amazing and His creation testifies to His goodness and love at every 'tern'...get it? Tern...turn? Nevermind...

Anywho, we had a blast together. I thank God for my wonderful wife, for days off, and for a God who is worthy of all of our praise, as well as the praise of His creation....


Barb said...

Is there anything else to do at the Aviary besides looking at birds? I am not fond of birds, but the idea sounded nice!


Brett Probert said...

That's what I thought...but it is really kinda neat and a great place to go on a date!

Greg Cox said...

Let's go dahn to da nort side,
visit the aviary.
Dey got exautic birds that look like pigeons (dah, dah, dah) to me (dah, dah, dah).

Can I just have one more night on da nort side, which yinz love.