Friday, February 08, 2008

WARNING: An (offensive) explanation!

Now I know most of you (except for the ones who know the inside joke) are wondering what the heck that previous post is all about. It was my, as Keith puts it, droll attempt at exposing the latest American craze: being offended!

We LOVE to be offended. We go out of our way to be offended. Being offended isn't just a right, but a highly sought after privilege. We are offended about EVERYTHING these days.

And lemme tell you, I am sick of it! We need to grow up! We need to stop being so ridiculous. We need to exercise our bigger right and privilege to be free. Free to read this or not to. Free to watch/listen/read something in the media or not to. Freedom to follow Christ or not to. Instead, we seem to be obsessed with simply practicing the freedom to be offended.

You think people liked it when Jesus called them snakes and whitewashed tombs? You think Peter liked it when Jesus called him Satan? Did they walk around saying "I'm offended."

No, they practiced their God-given freedom to either follow or leave. Some left, and some like Peter grew up and sought out the truth in the "offensive" statement and grew to be more Christlike in it.

So what are we gonna do with such a childish national obsession? I, for one, am attempting to grow up. Thanks for "offending" me from time to time. I'm hoping that my faith, hope, and love are actually stronger for it...


Greg Cox said...

So the question is, will our new phrase be, "Smugly," "I'm offended," or "please let me explain." Because I don't want to be left out of the loop.

But can I offend myself and say things that are offensive to me only?

Brett Probert said...

Greg, first of all, it will be "I'm offended so please let me explain, he said smugly."

Secondly, you and I are obviously twins separated at birth so whatever you say to offend yourself will also offend me. So please don't be offended when I tell you to GROW UP! (I hope my yelling didn't offend anyone!)

Greg Cox said...


Greg Cox said...

HE SAID, "smugly."

Jeff Kahl said...


Amen! As I look back on my life, the people who helped me the most were the people who "offended" me at the time, but in the long run they forced me to come to terms with what I really think and believe, and they shook me out of my nice little comfort zone. I that is what most people need today...including people in the church!

Keep raising hell, brother!


(I hope the phrase "raising hell" was not offensive to anyone)

Unknown said...

What's even funnier is when something truly is offensive and nobody realized it until it was too late.

My favorite comes from Google. You know how if you misspell something it will say, "Did you mean...?" Well, at one point, if you typed in "she invented," it would say, "Did you mean 'he invented'?" They have since fixed it after it raised a little riot. Here's an image to prove it just in case:

Keith H. McIlwain said...

I think it can be good to offend.

For one thing, it means you're on OFFENSE, rather than simply waiting or being passive. Regarding evangelism, we've been passive for too long, building beautiful churches with the philosophy, "If we build it, they will come." Instead, we need to GO and be on offense rather than defense.

For another thing, I think we're called to,as it says it Acts 17, "turn the world upside down". Part of our calling as disciples (and certainly as Christian leaders) is to "off end" the world, setting things right and proclaiming a new way of life and of looking at reality.

So, I usually don't mind being offensive. Plus, I'm told that I'm good at it, and that I can be VERY offensive!

I guess we DO need to resist being NEEDLESSLY offenSIVE or offenDED.

And that's from one bald heretic to another.

Anonymous said...

I am deeply and utterly offended by the Bald heretic comment left. I for one am a Bald man. The use of the term heretic coupled with the term Bald hurt me very badly. JK...Thanks Brett for putting that post out there I totally agree. I am actually reading a book right now called No More Christian Nice Guy. Good Read I highly recommend. I hope I didn't offend anyone. ;)

Anonymous said...

I just love when someone voices the thoughts that are running through my mind!! I couldn't agree with you more, Brett! BTW, I've decided just to use "Lori" today, no last name. Hope that didn't offend anyone!!

smkyqtzxtl said...

Good Read!

Chris said...

Wow, you don't check your computer for one day and see what you miss! I'd be offended if it didn't seem so smug!

Keith H. McIlwain said...

Smug is OK, Chris. It can be pretty offesnive.

Barb said...

Granted this entry is late, but Brett, if you and Greg are twins separated at birth, you are my brother, which is ultra wicked, and that means you get Easter this year! How cool is that?


Brett Probert said...

Barb (aka sis)

Thanks for your welcome into the family. I would love to, as you put it, "get Easter" this year. Now I assume that means I will be hosting the annual Easter family gathering for my new Cox family.

Menu: Yuengs and Wings!

Barb said...

What is a yuengs? Is that preacherese for Yingling? "our" other brother is a bigggggggggggg fan of Yingling or Labatts, or Yeagermeister, or Luna Deluna, or any other like beverages........Host away little Brother, Host away!



Barb said...

Maybe a Yuengs is like a Yout?!

Greg please advise~

Brett Probert said...

It's Yings!!!!

Greg Cox said...

What's a yout?

Brett Probert said...

Look...I know we're family but I don't have time to be defining every single thing on this blog. Yout's are youth. Frankly, I'm offended that you seem to be asking so much of me when I have more important things to do like keep up with John Shaver's happenin' blog.

Anonymous said...

Okay, now I am offended! I am the real twin of the evil Brett and have often wished we had been seperated at birth - and I know that does not offend you, twinner! What is offensive is that you are agreeing to host dinner for your new family - does that mean that your old family is invited too? We'll settle for Yings and Wings - way better than cooking for the outlaws who expect it yet don't appreciate it! What time should I show up - and should I bring Rings to go with the Yings and Wings? And I will not apologize for offending anyone - isn't that the point of being on the offense???

Greg Cox said...

"Chill out" brother - I was quoting my cousin vinny. Maybe I should have put quotes around it. Sorry, I didn't mean to offend.

"I'm sorry judge, these two YOUUUTHS"

Greg Cox said...

Hey Twin Sister - did you get the hair from the zygote?

Brett Probert said...

Dear REAL evil twin. Greg was the brother I always wanted. You, on the other hand, were the sister I never wanted. See the diff? Oops...was that offensive?

BTW, I think we inherited the art of offense from, I have to speak in code because I know she reads my blog, om-may!

And yes, of course yins is invited. Wings, Yings, Rings, an' 'at.

And Greg, my evil twin has more hair under her arms than you do on top o' your head. True dat.

Greg Cox said...

Is she French?

Brett Probert said...

mais oui! bien sur!

Greg Cox said...

No comprede vu!

Barb said...

I dont get it!


Anonymous said...

Gre, I do have more hair than Brett - I think even our bald dad has more hair than him!

Brett, this is why you are the evil twin - bizarre comments about armpit hair to people I don't even know! And I know Fefe is the sister you always liked better - you two always do get along so well - NOT!

And does this blog win for the most responses not relating to the actual blog post?

Barb, maybe you and I were seperated at birth too?

See you all at Easter Dinner!

Anonymous said...

Wow, we're invited to Brett's for Easter???? And we get to meet his real friends?? I cannot wait!!

Brett Probert said...

Greg: But of course!
Barb: French women don't shave their armpits!
Evil Twin: I know you are but what am I?
Barb: You can have her!
Anonymous: I have no real friends!

Barb said...

Real sister, I always thought I had a twin out there, and knowing that I do, may answer a few questions about Greg

Ewwwwwww you dont shave your lady pits?

Greg and Brett how would your birth mom have had a womb big enough for both of your heads?hmmmmmmmm
