Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wipe That Smile Off Your Face!

So yesterday, I goes to the foot doctor because I have some kinda Elemenopee-itus going on. I'm trying to be know I smile, joke around a little, nearly pass out when they inject my feet with cortisone...the normal stuff. And I realize something, something I notice a lot. 103% of all people alive today are unhappy. Where is the joy? Where is the fun? Why can't we loosen up a little bit?

And sadly, it just hain't in the world, but even among we the alleged Christ-followers. Didn't He say something about rejoicing? Sometimes as I look out over the folks who worship with me on Sunday, I am blown away by how frownish we are. Too bad, so sad.

And there are a few people in the church that totally avoid me. Some, I guess, just can't stand me. But I wonder if a few others just don't like to be around happy people. Whaddya think?


Greg Cox said...

I think you need to explain what that foot problem is and then maybe I'll be happy.

Jeff Vanderhoff said...

I like happy people, I just don't like you. That's probably why people avoid you in church. Just kidding! You know you're 167 in my book, buddy! Seriously, though (can I be serious in a post about not being so serious?) I think you are right on in this post. We need a lot more laughter and joy in this world, and a lot less frowning and judgment. Maybe if you can find 10 people to smile, you could shave your head or... oh, never mind.

Unknown said...

Maybe that's why we sat at another table at breakfast yesterday, away from you. Not that I'm avoidin' you.

Brett Probert said...

good chuckles, all. keep them cards and letters coming!

Anonymous said...

Is that elemenopeeitus something like menopause? Or is it elemetary? Or does it have something to do with the p word?

Brett Probert said...


Jeff Kahl said...

I once heard Peter Kreeft say that if every Christian on earth would just be a model of joy, the entire world's population would be converted in a single week. I'd have to agree with him there.

Regarding your elemenopeeitus, there is actually a drug on the market to cure it: It's called exwhyzeenate. Try it out, man!

Brett Probert said...

Thanks Jeff! lol!

Barb said...

yeah...what is up with the foot? You cant post about Elemenopee-itus
going on with you, and then switch your talk about "world peace" or the lack thereof! The whole thing makes me Frownish. I like you I really do, so turn the frown up side down! Mr. Elemenopee-itus fancy pants.