Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Who Cares?

So I'm mostly on facebook now which is why I don't post here much. But I am finding it to be somewhat annoying that people use their facebook status to garner sympathy. Saying things like "my life sucks" and putting it all out there for the world to see is questionable. And I began thinking about why we do this.

I have come to the conclusion that it is because people really don't care much about anything or anybody other than themselves. So we resort to almost psychotic methods to gather attention or to coerce people into "caring" about us. I had a phone conversation not too long ago where somebody called "to see how I was doing" but it became apparent during the conversation that they really did not care. They were calling out of obligation perhaps, or guilt. I'm not sure. But when I began to open up about myself and my life, there was a clear shutting down on the other end. When these things happen, we resort to saying "why me" on our facebook status.

Well, God cares. I know He does. And He has called us to care. So I'm praying for the strength to take a greater interest in those God has put into my life and less worried about my self. Because I know He is!


Bekah said...

thanks brett! i love to be reminded that it's not all about me. so much of our time is focused around ourselves. and facebook, which is a "social network" so we can communicate with our friends, is used as an excuse to focus totally on ourselves, whether we'll admit to it or not... love you brett!!! <3

Nate said...

We all want to be validated. I know I do. I want to know that people recognize my existence and give a crap. I know I'm not alone. God designed us with this need and it has even been shown that expressions of love and validation can affect the survival rates of orphaned babies. (this is where the citation would go if I wan't lazy and took the time to find it)

I believe that the greatest challenge we have as Christians is to find validation in God. Gary Chapman wrote about the 5 love languages and even has a book about how God speaks those love languages. Being entirely honest but recognizing that I am flawed and God is not, I'd think the Almighty could do a better job of it. I believe that He counts on His children to reveal His love for the people of this world. Unfortunately we are all often flailing about wishing someone would love us instead of loving on others as we should.

The internet has only made things worse. We put more and more distance between real, positive, and intimate human interaction. We spend hours on end trying to maintain relationships that God has put distance between at the cost of not developing the ones that are available in the here and now. We have a generation of social networkers who don't know what to do if they meet someone face to face. I'm accusing myself as much as anyone else. I play MMOs and spend hours on FB and email every week.

Perhaps the most upsetting thing about this comment is that I bring up all sorts of problems and offer no solutions. I don't like doing that. Perhaps only maintaining regular contact with the people in whose lives I can actually be involved is called for. This may be throwing the baby out with the bathwater though. Mayhaps I'm still hung up on me in the first place. I don't know.

Anonymous said...

hey brett its shannon miller from ultimate h2o also from foresthills ! your awsome so what are u going to help with at camp allegheny this year ?
plz write back also my email is goobie96@verizon.net plz write or email back


Unknown said...

Brett, will u be "my" friend?

Brett Probert said...


