Tuesday, February 10, 2009

See You in Kilt

So I have this Blackberry with a modified QWERTY keyboard. (Mom: don't even ask, you'll never understand.) So I'm texting or emailing somebody and they say when is the mission trip this year? I TRY to respond "July." Seems simple, right? I mean that's why we have these things like Blackberrys, right? To make life simpler and better and happier an' 'at? Oh, but no! My QWERTY keyboard brings up Kilt as the first option. Now c'mon. How often do you use Kilt in a sentence?!? Can't we make July the first choice in the line of possible options?

I'm telling you, as soon as I redesign those rear seatbelts in my parents' '77 Impala, then redesign my lamppost cover so I don't lose the screws in the @%&*$*!! flowerbed when I replace the bulb, THEN I'm fixing this QWERTY quirk.

As they say in my family..."Why must I be tested?!"


Anonymous said...

Hey, when you redesign the seatbelts in the ol' family truckster, can you add a radio too? Try riding around with a motor mouth like you and having no radio to turn up to tune you out - WHY MUST I BE TESTED???

Anonymous said...

Hey Brett, I am tired of seeing you in kilt (or in a kilt for that matter). Could you please post a new blog now and then so we qwerty people can be properly entertained?