Thursday, April 09, 2009

You know it's Easter when...

...I have a cold. It seems like I get a cold before all the major high and holy holidays in the church. Why? Satan is trying to dampen the celebration? Sorry dude...I read the book...Jesus wins.

...Newsweek and the History Channel run stories making it seem like Christianity is damned. Why? Satan is trying dampen the celebration? Sorry dude...I read the book...Jesus wins.

Happy Easter!!!


Lynn said...

Guess colds are not your "uppers"! Christianity is only as dead as each person lets it be. Glenn Beck's program on Wednesday addressed the "Christianity is dead" thought. He said one reason is because people are forgetting to touch base with fellow humans to keep each other "grounded".

It really hit me after listening to your sermon Sunday. Your sermon also helped me realise how much God is in Jim and I's life (the scripture is the one you read at our wedding) and how much He will be in our baby's (babys) life.

John Shaver said...

Brett, hope all is well...the Newsweek article put me to sleep...but God works in amazing and crazy ways...the article right before it was all about Hope in Rwanda (funny how that wasn't on the front page...but my fingers turned right to it before the other one)...hope you had an awesome Easter! Look forward to catching up one of these days! We had a great Easter out here. Grace and Peace, John

Brett Probert said...

Hey John...great to hear from you bro. I hope you guys had an awesome Easter and that all is well in SoCal.