Thursday, March 23, 2006

Why I Do What I Do

Tomorrow, I am leaving for Camp Allegheny for a few days. I'll be back early Sunday morning to preach at the church I love to serve, Cornerstone Church of Cranberry. I love going to Camp Allegheny. It has been a part of my childhood, and now my second childhood (commonly referred to as "adulthood"). I am the dean of a camp program entitled C.I.T. Camp. CIT stands for Counselor In Training. We work with 15-17 year old youth who demonstrate leadership potential and an on-fire love for Jesus. We will spend the weekend with them to begin the training process and to determine their eligibility to continue. Then in June, we'll bring them back together for a week of training. After that, they are eligible to serve as "Junior" Counselors in our denominational camping ministry.

Now the reason I am so anxious to go is: It reminds me of my calling. Every time I hang out with these kind of "ministry hungry" youth, I get all fired up. It does me good to see how God is working in the lives of young people. I am reminded of my Bible buddy Elihu (read about him here) who is young but filled with the Holy Spirit! Let me tell you, when you're around other people who are filled by God's amazing, powerful, transformational (any Monday night class people listening?) presence, you cannot help but be transformed yourself!!!

So if you attend Cornerstone, look out. I may be tired on Sunday, but I'll be fired up!!! And I'll be fired up because I've spent some time with others who are on fire for Jesus. And.....

....I'll be reminded once again of why I do what I do....

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