In case you don't know me...I LOVE to play guitar. Yesterday I took the day off because I have too many Saturday obligations this week. While Carla was hard at work at Nursing school, I headed to Pittsburgh to my favorite music store. Steve, the dude who runs it, is a great guy and probably knows more about acoustic instruments than any single person in the free world. After I came back home, I spent the best part of the rest of the day playing. Know you may ask, "doesn't that hurt your fingers...pressing on those strings?" Well, I may answer "no way, Jose." The secret is the calluses. If you play daily like I do, eventually the skin on the tips of your fingers becomes very hard and doesn't seem to mind the constant activity of the fingertips on the strings.
Tomorrow, we embark on the second week of our Cornerstone journey entitled "What If?" Still focusing on the early church in Acts 2, we will ask ourselves "what if we weren't so callused to what God is up to?" You see, we Christians sometimes get calluses...not the kind from playing guitar but the kind from playing church. We lose sight of the lost and we lose sight of what God is doing and how to join Him in His activity. Tomorrow in worship, we'll look at how Peter got rid of the calluses and how we can too!
Glad to hear that you have been playing. You have been blessed with many talents.
Your post reminds me of the old Petra song "Don't Let Your Heart Be Hardened". It's not bluegrass, but you'd like the message of the song, I think.
I will check it out. Thanks dude.
I know I'm not supposed to be, but I am jealous! Not only did you get to be a kid in a candy store, but playing all day too?? Sounds like a day in Heaven!
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