I am excited for Cornerstone's new ministry that is launching in a few weeks. It is called "The Rock" and here is the story:
I think our Sunday morning worship has been going very well. We are seeking the Lord more and more and the focus is on Him, where it ought to be.
There is more to being the church, however, than just worshiping. A few of the things that I am passionate about have really been falling through the cracks throughout our period of growth. They are:
1. Connecting people with each other. As our worship attendance continues to grow, we find it harder and harder to connect with each other on Sundays.
2. Connecting people to the Lord in the midst of community. We need to be growing deeper in our faith as we share that discipleship journey together.
3. Connecting people to the community in meaningful ministry. We need to get outside the four walls and bless this community in the name of Jesus Christ.
SO, after lots of prayer, discussion, soul-searching, brainstorming, and the like, we settled upon the ROCK. Every Wednesday evening we will gather at our Ministry Center. The worship space will be rearranged so that we'll be seated around round tables. There will be some coffee-house style opening worship, then an evening of interactive teaching, learning, discussion, and relationship building around the tables.
Once a month, we will gather for a covered dish dinner, then hit the community in some meaningful ministry. I can't wait!
This all starts on Wednesday, October 17 and we're going to kick it off with a few evenings of learning just how to dig into the Bible in rich and Kingdom building ways. Then on October 31, we are going to gather for dinner and head out into the various housing developments to "reverse trick-or-treat." We have frisbees that we'll be handing out to all the kids we see, and if don't see any, we'll be knocking on doors to give them away.
I am so blessed to be serving a church on the move. Thank you Lord for this privilege!!!