I can put weight on it!
Wow. Soon, I can go potty all by myself and tie my own shoes.
Wow. Soon, I can go potty all by myself and tie my own shoes.
Posted by
Brett Probert
So I'm sitting here and from time to time, I check the blog roll. I have noticed something. My last blog post was about Scripture and stuff and how many comments did I get? Zilcho!
But, I blog about pooping and I get 15 comments!
So, does this say more about me, or the people who read my blog?
Posted by
Brett Probert
You know how many times I have shared Isaiah 40:28-31 with people who were going through difficulties? I've lost track! And even this week, I texted these verses to young people from C3 for them to read with me. But I have discovered that it is sometimes harder to hear and accept them when you're sitting on the other side of the Bible, so to speak. What good is the very Word of God if we don't really listen and internalize it? How can we truly be pointed to the Mighty One if we don't wrestle with Him? What good is good news if it doesn't change and transform people? So today, I'm asking the Lord to give me strength to WAIT upon Him...even though I'm starting to go batty from sitting in this chair with my leg up on ice!!!
Posted by
Brett Probert
I pooped!!! You know, after they dehydrate you for surgery, then after you puke up everything after surgery for the first 15 hours, then after you take those intestinal dumbing pain pills, this can be a great post-op concern. But alas, as my profile indicates. Life is good...for I have pooped.
I'll keep you updated as I progress with my healing, and as they say, film at 11:00!
Posted by
Brett Probert
Well, I had to have the total ACL reconstruction so it was more than I bargained for. I have to have my knee totally immobilized for two weeks so it will be at least that long on crutches. I see the doctor on March 3 to decide when and how to start rehab. Thanks to the Harris' family, our house is now wireless so I'm able to at least be in touch w/ the online world. Anywho, just thought I'd let you know. And yes, I am bored. Pray for me, but pray for Carla more!!
Posted by
Brett Probert
Posted by
Brett Probert
This blog post has been cancelled due to the winter storm of '08.
Posted by
Brett Probert
Now I know most of you (except for the ones who know the inside joke) are wondering what the heck that previous post is all about. It was my, as Keith puts it, droll attempt at exposing the latest American craze: being offended!
We LOVE to be offended. We go out of our way to be offended. Being offended isn't just a right, but a highly sought after privilege. We are offended about EVERYTHING these days.
And lemme tell you, I am sick of it! We need to grow up! We need to stop being so ridiculous. We need to exercise our bigger right and privilege to be free. Free to read this or not to. Free to watch/listen/read something in the media or not to. Freedom to follow Christ or not to. Instead, we seem to be obsessed with simply practicing the freedom to be offended.
You think people liked it when Jesus called them snakes and whitewashed tombs? You think Peter liked it when Jesus called him Satan? Did they walk around saying "I'm offended."
No, they practiced their God-given freedom to either follow or leave. Some left, and some like Peter grew up and sought out the truth in the "offensive" statement and grew to be more Christlike in it.
So what are we gonna do with such a childish national obsession? I, for one, am attempting to grow up. Thanks for "offending" me from time to time. I'm hoping that my faith, hope, and love are actually stronger for it...
Posted by
Brett Probert
Posted by
Brett Probert
Posted by
Brett Probert